Old Joe's Pink Cadillac: A Short Story

Expanded version-Outside Fort Sill, Oklahoma, Artillery Center of the World…Before Old Joe’s best friend left for Vietnam he dropped his pink 1959 Cadillac Coupe de Ville off at Joe’s for safekeeping. The vintage car was in bad shape and, when his friend didn’t come back, Joe made it his mission to restore her. Night after night, after work and on weekends, Old Joe could be found with his head stuck under the hood of the collectible car, murmuring loving, encouraging sounds to the eye-catching lady who once ruled the highway. When he finished, she was a beaut. Old Joe didn’t have much, never did. But at least he had Elizabeth…for a while…before his daughter, Cascade, got out of a women’s correctional facility and took it for a ride while Joe was at work.