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Free Pecan Pie And Other Chick Stories

Free Pecan Pie and Other Chick StoriesWhat's a chick story? It's a story with no drugs, bombs, or spies who have numbers instead of names. And clean. It's gotta be clean. Spend some time with Free Pecan Pie, and its other stories and shorts like Elvis Has Left the Building and is Living in My Computer, Harpy and Julianne's War of the Roses, and Gets Tickled and the Fish Trap, and have a smile on me.I balanced out the short stories with some commentaries so we won't forget where we've been and how far we have to go.If you're looking for the answer to world peace, you probably won't find it here, but why does everything have to be so serious? Get out, have some fun, and take Free Pecan Pie along with you!
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